Capture and Communicate

Sans Olmedo she is a painter from Calafell that he has created a unique and personal style in his works.

Inspired by the power of rounded shapes and the feminine essence, Sans Olmedo invites the viewer to explore a universe of color and passion, vibrant and exciting.

Art that speaks

Sans Olmedo's paintings are an ode to life, with warm, communicative colors that flow from within the solitary beings that inhabit his artistic world.

The boundaries and forms established in his works are like a glass armor that protects and reveals at the same time, showing the beauty and strength that resides in each figure.

Catalan Beach painter

CONSTANT evolution

Sans Olmedo it is not satisfied with a single medium to express their talent. His dexterity in the mural can be appreciated in Plaça Alcalde Romeu de Calafell, where the local fishermen are portrayed with great detail and sensitivity.

But it is through painting, more intimate and personal, that Sans Olmedo really manages to captivate and establish new ways of interpreting art.


Sans Olmedo he has lived and worked within a very personal aesthetic the paintings we now present.

The world that currently belongs to him it is made of rounded and closed shapes like the first egg of creation. A world that, faced with the danger of expanding before its definitive maturation, the painter has protected with the armor of the lines that define the figures, essentially female, and isolate them from the outside environment.

Fortunately, however, the shell of the egg is transparent and the armor is made of glass which, despite its hardness, allows us to see inside the solitary beings warm colors grow and extraordinarily communicative.

Sans Olmedo Catalan artist

A life dedicated to art and A Calafell

Sans Olmedo he has the necessary drive to demonstrate his artistic ability through the mural. Calafell has a work of his in Plaça Alcalde Romeu in which the fishermen who gave impetus to the maritime district are seen with ownership. But it will be through painting, much more intimate and fully felt as a manifestation of life, that the artist will come to structure the accent of interpretive novelty that is now taking shape in her.